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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Partial Solar Eclipse

On the first day of Chinese New Year, 26th January 2009, there was an astronomical event that occurred. A solar eclipse occurred on that day. A solar eclipse is an astronomical event where the Sun is covered by the Moon.

Well, some may ask why wasn't that day completely dark. According to my friend, Dr. Chong, this is because the solar eclipse that happened is not a full one, but it is just partial. In order for the day to become really dark, the Sun must be 100% obstructed by the Moon. The Moon only obstructed about 82.6% of the Sun in yesterday's event. So, we can't really see the solar eclipse without any special negatives.

I hope you guys was able to witness the event yesterday. As for me, I missed it! Awww... Maybe I'll have better luck next time. For those of you who would like to find out more, you can visit the links below. It will actually bring you to the National Space Agency of Malaysia. You can find tons of information about solar eclipse there. Furthermore, they also provide some tips on how to view solar eclipse safely. Enjoy!!!

Partial Solar Eclipse 2009
Technical info

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